Monday, August 29, 2011

vruth for the daya of the week-thursday


this day's vruth is observed to get the blessings of guru bruhaspathi graha. In the solar system this is considered very important. guru's abounding in blessings will help in touching the sky .with his blessings all the grahas will also be pleased. it is believed to get the work done fast or to remove obstacles this vruth is observed. He is the deity for good life.
this vruth can be started before any shukla paksh (after amavasya) thrusday for minimum16 thrusdays. yellow color is used on this day. Keeping a yellow colour handkerchief atleast will help. yellow things like flowers,haldi are used in the pooja.chana dal and gur is offered as naivedya. for dhan yellow cloth is given. one can sit near the banana tree and do this pooja as banana tree is also to be worshipped. In the evening lamp is lit near shiva. After pooja one time meals can be taken for this vruth. yellow colour is added in the food prepared. this day- cutting hair, cloth, nails washing hair, applying oil is not done.
In karnataka people observe this vruth for ragavendra swamy. after bath they visit the ragavendra swamy mutt and recite slokas. his jeeva samadhi is in mantralaya in karnataka.
the story which is read on this day says god will bless only if we are true .
raja tungadwaj went for hunting. he did not realise that he had come deep into the forest. there he saw four boys doing this pooja . he was very tired so he sat there for some time. after the pooja the boys gave him the prasad. he did not take the prasad nor did he salute the god. when he went back home he saw that his family was not there and he lost his wealth also. he tried to locate them but could not. he realised that all this is because he did a mistake by not taking the prasad. on following thursday he came to the forest and heard the story and took prasad. slowly he got back the lost wealth and his family. since then raja tungadwaj worshipped bruhaspathi dev and was very happy.

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