Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Shravan Poornima/Rakshabandhan

People celebrate Shravan Poornima according to their custom. In north India it is celebrated as Rakshabandhan. Sisters fast till the ceremony is over. She begins with tying the rakhi on her Brother's wrist, applying tilak, giving him sweets. In return the Brothers give gifts and promises to take care of her. This incident in Mahabaratha signifies the importance of Rakhbandhan:
Lord Krishna was hurt and was bleeding and Draudaphi tore a piece of her sari to dress the wound. In return when Draupadhi was insulted in the sabha, Lord Krishna gave yards and yards of cloth to protect her.
In south India people celebrate this as Avaniavattam. Brahmans go to river bank, after bath offer water to Lord Surya. After chanting Gayatri Mantra they change their Yegyopavith. From this day on children go to guru to learn veda.
Nowadays Brothers and Sisters live miles apart due to their studies, jobs, Rakshabandhan is still celebrated in the same enthusiasm.

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