Monday, August 1, 2011

Vasanth Navrathri/Ramnavmi

Vasanth Navrathri is celebrated throughout India with great enthusiasm to welcome spring. In South India it is celebrated as Ugadi starting of New Year, in Maharashtra Gudipadva, in Kashmir Navreh. It is also important as Lord Brahma the creator started his work. Lord Vishnu took Varah avtar to save the Earth from sinking in the ocean. so this is the first day of SHWETHA VARAHA KALPE worth worshipping.
We worship Godess Durga/Shakti for nine days. People read Durga Saptashati everyday. During these nine days people worship Maha Kali who helped Maha Vishnu to kill two demons Madhu & Kaitab. The story goes as follows:
From Lord Vishnu's naval a lotus flower came and Lord Brahma was sitting on that . Lord Vishnu was in deep sleep and from his ears emerged two demons Madhu & Kaitab who started attacking Lord Brahma. Brahma requested Mahamaya Yog Nidra(sleep) to leave Vishnu. Vishnu woke up and saw the demons were going to eat Lord Brahma. Vishnu fought with them for 5000 years but still could not kill them. The demons arrogantly told Vishnu that they were impressed with his warfare and he could ask them for a boon. Lord Vishnu asked for a boon to kill them. Both the demons were trapped and Lord Vishnu killed them. Thus Mahamaya Yog Nidra who was instrumental in the demons getting killed is one form of Maha Kali.
People read Ramayan also during these nine days. Lord Rama was born on the ninth day of this navrathri which people celebrate as Ramnavmi. Lord Rama came to this world and showed us the correct path to lead our life. We should follow Lord Rama footsteps and make our family, country and world happy.

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