om is prava swaroop. it is the essence of vedas.lord muruga gave pranav mantra to lord shiva. chanting this again again will give mental strength.bhagavat geetha describes om as essence of vedas.
it is embodied in our culture to the extend that effortlessly we utter this word many times in a day during pooja and otherwise also.
gayatri maha mantra is both prayer and worship.without chanting this no rituals takes place. tapasya, upasana, fasting, chanting the mantra, stuti differs according to the place and time but gayatri mantra is traditionally the it is called sanathan mantra. boys after their upanayanam do gayatri japam as an untold tradition of the hindu society.
maharishi vishwamitra saw gayatri mantra. gayatri has five faces. this represents five life forces ,(praan, apaan, vyaan, udhaan, samaan) and five elements(earth,water, air,fire and sky) with the help of gayatri mantra maharishi viswamitra could create a separate indira loka for trishangu.maharishai vasistha and viswamitra both had the superiority complex. trishangu wanted to go to swargaloka with the body. it is against nature. to achieve this he approached maharishi vasistha. he did not agree to this saying it is not possible. then he went to maharishi viswamitra and pleaded . he also gave the same answer. since trishangu knew that both these maharishi's fight for superiority , he said "maharishi vasista did not agree. i thought if i approach you will will definitely help".
on hearing this maharishi viswamitra immediately agreed. he did yagya and with his power he sent trishangu up. he went upto indiraloka. indira pushed him down . he decended upside down . when viswamitra saw this he stopped him half way and created a indiraloka there for him.
maharishi could achive all this because of the power of gayatri. no words can describe the power of gayatri mantra, we cannot describe endless sky or the depth of the ocean.
gayatrayastu samo japyam na bhooto na bhavishyati.
there are 24 letters in gayatri mantra. there is no sacred mantra than this. she is the mother of all knowledge. in geetha shri krishna says gayatri chandasamaham. in mahabharat she is described as vedajanani.gayatri is brama's manasa putri . she is described as savitri also. gayatri mantra is sooryopasana mantra. .devas also worshipped gayatri. no other mantra will forgive our sin and will work as a prayaschitta also.we bow to goddess gayatri and seek her blessings.
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