Thursday, September 1, 2011

vruth of the days of the week- sunday. RAHU AND KETU

SUNDAY - ravivar.
SUN is the most powerful planet of the solar system. all the planets goes round soorya. as the name goes this day is ruled by soorya worshipping sun we can become healthy , longevity of life , peace of mind, in short we become very strong. especially for skin problem this is considered very good. it is believed that by observing this vruth blessings of RIDHI (prosperity) AND SIDHI ( spiritual power) will always be at home.
in south india the month of avani aug-sept is considered auspicious . Soorya namaskaram is done . chakkarai pongal is also offered to god as a special prasadam. there are many temples to lord sun. one of the oldest is konark temple .
For twelve months in an year there are twelve suns. so throughout the year vruth should be observed. to get rid of the disease or for the fulfillment of our wishes all the 52 sundays are also observed. the colour of the raising and setting sun is red. so red colour is used. red flower, red chandan are used in pooja. wheat, jaggery and red cloth is given as dhan .dhalia ,(porridge), of jaggery and sweet made of jaggery is offered to god and taken as prasad. it is better to eat before sun set. salt is not taken .by observing vruth on this day we can make our life as powerful as sun is.
the story read on this day goes like this.
story: one day lord soorya and his wife were watching the creation.suddenly she asked lord soorya ,''people give dhan in your name . you give light to the universe. what you do for yourself. all you do is for the people.'' soorya said " i do not know about this but i see to it that people get food properly. HATHI KO MAND CHETTI KO KAN." means elephants require more quantity of food, so that i give. small ant needs very small quantity i give that also. she day she made a tiny box. made sure there is no food and placed an ant in it and closed. she told soorya devatha that in your kingdom, one ant died because of no food. he said have trust . open the box and see. when she opened it she saw that the ant was holding a grain of rice in his mouth. she was surprised asked for pardon.
once there was a great war between the god's and demons on immortality and control of the universe. they needed the nectar to attain immortality. which was in the milky ocean. to take it out they needed to churn the ocean. vasuki the serpent (serpent means with knowledge and wisdom.not just snake) helped as the rope tied round the mountain meru as the rod and vishnu in kurma avatara entered the ocean and held the great mountain on his back and helped to churn the ocean. when amrita came,asura took it and ran. devas requested lord mahavishnu for help. vishnu took mohini awatara and took the amrita kalasa from demons. demons were wondering who this could be amazed by her beauty,they did not realise that she is serving the nector only to the devas. suddenly a serpent from demons realised it and took seat in between surya and chandra and secretly took one serve of nector of immortality. surya and chandra complained to mohini .immediately with serving spoon she cut him into two. so he could not be killed . they are RAHU( upper part ) AND KETU(lower part). they are called CHAYA GRAHA reminding us of our past always.
their power can be realised by the total darkness because of the eclipse they cause to sun and moon, both are their enemies
rahu gives materialistic achievement , looks after our future and ketu gives spiritual attainment.
rahu fulfills the material needs. thirunageswaram and kalahasti in south india tamil nadu, is rahu kshetram . thrunageswaram is where rahu himself worshipped shiva this is the parihara stalam of rahu. during rahukalam when milk is poured on the diety turns into blue.
worshipping siva and hanuman, can reduce the negative impact .blue colour cloth is given as dhanam.rahu is dark in colour.his element is air. donation of -seaseme, blanket ,coal , black gram is considered good.lord durga is the deity worshipped for rahu.
ketu is moksha karaka. he keeps the record of our past and present karmas. he indicates intellegence , wisdom, detachment, gives good health wealth and prosperity but will also create obstacles in achieving them.
worshipping lord ganesha daily, especially on sundays and tuesdays and shiva ,can please ketu.fasting on thrusday on a krishnapaksha, donation of cat's eye gem, mustard, multi coloured blanket and cloth on thursday is in practice.
parihara stala of ketu is thiruvenkadu near chitambaram . divine serpant vasuki and chitra gupta worshipped ketu here.kalahasti in andhra pradesh, kuki subramanaya in karnataka.
ketu deals with past karma while rahu the future.

to conclude we can say that , vruth observed on any day of the week requires determination . purpose of observing vruth is for good health and prosperity .it cleanses our body and mind. all the prime colours red, blue, green ,white, yellow and black are used in vruth . we worship and live with nature.

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