Tuesday, September 13, 2011


temple of rameshwaram is situated in the southern part of india .sri rama with his sena came here to cross the ocean and reach sri lanka to kill ravana. before this he wanted to worship lord shiva and get his blessings .so hanuman left for kailash to get a linga.as it was getting late rama made a linga of sand and worshipped and got the blessings. shiva said he will reside here as rameshwar jyotirlinga . hanuman came with the linga and was disappointed that the pooja is over.sri rama kept that linga with the earthern linga and named it as hanumatheeshwar.this is one of sacred pilgrimage place. there are 22 wells round the temple which is considered sacred. devotees take bath in these wells and worship god people bring ganga jal from haridwar or gangaotri and offer that to lord shiva here, which is considered very sacred.

this is also known as grineshwar. it is situated in the tank bed called shivalaya ,in ellora -maharashtra. the water in that tank is considered very sacred .
in olden days there lived a brahman called sudharma and his wife sudeha,both a strong devotee of shiva. they were not blessed with a child. sudeha had a sister named gushma. she too was a rigorous shiva worshipper . she worshipped daily 108 earthern lingas and immerse them in the near by tank. sudeha got her sister married to her husband. gushma continued her pooja daily. soon she was blessed with a son. out of jealousy sudeha killed gushma's son and threw him in the same tank. gushma as usual did her pooja next day and immersed the lingas in the tank . when she was coming back, her son also came with her. pleased with her pooja shiva appeared and blessed her with a boon. gushma requested her sister's act of jelousy be pardoned and bless moksha after her death. and she requested shiva to stay there for good of the people. so shiva became popular as gushmeshwar jyotirlinga. that tank is called shivalay.

the twelve jyotirlingas of shiva are self existing and has been worshiped since ages. time and again temples were demolished and reconstructed by the faithful devotees.

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