Wednesday, June 29, 2011

laddoo's to lord .hanuman

we offer laddoo's to lord hanuman. there is a very interesting story behind this.

With love and affection Mata Sita was serving laddoo's to Hanuman. The laddoo's were so delicious that hanuman did not feel like saying enough.he happily enjoyed eating them.
mata sita did not know what to do. so she put the left over laaddoo's on hanuman's head. when he saw that laddoo's are falling from head he thought he has over eaten the laddoo's that it started coming out from his head. hanuman said enough, he had consumed lots of laddoo's. with folded hands he thanked mata sita for giving such delicious sweet. that is why now also to make hanuman happy offerings are kept on the head of the hanuman and laddoo's are specially offered.

is it not interesting .
share if have one

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